Saikumar Matcha, Research Scholar, Won Best Poster Award in 7th Asia-Pacific ISSX 2023

February 01, 2023


Mr. Saikumar Matcha, Research Scholar, Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS, received the Best Poster Award in the 7th Asia-Pacific International Society for Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) 2023, held on 30, 31 January, and 1 February 2023  at  Sheraton  Grand Hotel-Brigade Gateway,  Bangalore. Mr. Saikumar presented the research entitled “Precision Dosing of Amikacin in Term Neonates”. Mr. Saikumar is pursuing his Ph.D. under Dr. Surulivelrajan M, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS, Manipal.